Asset Recovery & Profit Share

Quattro Logistics  core Asset Recovery Services are focused on generating value from used ICT for our clients and creating an environmentally sustainable disposal solution for anything unsuitable for reuse.

Every item managed through our Warrington operation is tracked and can be reported on at item level through our in-house ICT asset management system.

Profit Share

The profit share service starts with the receipt of an asset list or inventory from a client with details of the equipment specification, quantities and location. A forecast of resale values is provided in advance. On arrival at Quattro Logistics Ltd ,

Product is sold by item, pallet or container to individuals through the web or employee purchase schemes, computer traders, maintenance companies, international brokers, charities and social enterprises. 

Quattro Logistics will  publish a monthly resale and buyback market price guide, available on request, detailing current resale values being achieved for the most common specifications and types of equipment.[...]

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Leading the field in Waste management and Recycling Technologies.